Ian Davlin The Looth Group replied to the discussion Vintage Pickup Repair in NY Area in the forum Quick Questions 4 weeks ago
Vintage Pickup Repair in NY Area
Your customer can reach out to Buzzy at Lark Street. He’s got a guy in the Hudson Valley he uses. https://www.larkstreetmusic.com/index.html
Over-planed neck blank -- too thin?
The best advice I can give is to always remember to never forget to think of the things you haven’t yet thought about. Do that and you will be unstoppable.
TONY LEONEL | Tony Leonel Custom Guitars
Over-planed neck blank -- too thin?
It depends on how your truss rod is going in. You don’t want it to be that much closer to coming through the back of the neck. If that’s an issue, lam to the neck before you cut for it.
Glenn Cummins G Cummins Guitars -
Over-planed neck blank -- too thin?
Excellent. So laminate the bottom of the fingerboard? (As opposed to laminating the top of the blank, before routing the truss rod channel?). Thanks for your patience.
Over-planed neck blank -- too thin?
I don’t see any issues with a lam then. Could look kind of cool and you could tell people it was your plan the whole time. There’s no way they would know.
Glenn Cummins G Cummins Guitars -
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